Post by Bertram Paul, Atlantic-Diesel.comPost by MichaelPost by Focus
International forum with very much possibilities.
Check it out. Free and no advertisements.
Now it's up to 57 posts, all but 4 or 5 from Betram Paul.
And even after reading my name so many times, you still can't spell it
Bertram Paul
Digital Photography Forum
that would imply that we actually cared about you or your name, after all
you have now reached the same status as so many other cross posting
spammers, but instead of selling cheap watches or shoes your trying to sell
your forum, the forum I suspect you created so you can edit the dissenting
comments as you regularly get your arse handed to you when you post your
drivel on Usenet.
Anyway Bertram Paul or Focus or whatever you call yourself today, welcome to
the back of my bozo bin.
[This comment is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Church of
Scientology International]
"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your
Christ." Gandhi